Companies which are not bound to a particular country within Europe.
Augsburger Str. 33
D-10789 Berlin
+49 171 350 28 73 (mobile)
+44 171 681 19 89
Jochen Hayek
To be negotiated - quite unrestricted.
Familiar with most topics
ECU 60/hour.
August 7, 1997.
Skommartorpsv. 24
S-735 38 Surahammar
+46 70 7522246
+46 220 33907
Carlos Vidal, Bo Berggren
Phone, EMail, and inhouse if required.
We work in Scandinavia, Germany and Switzerland.
SEK 0-700/hour (US$0-$100) depending on the job. Many "easy" questions are answered for free.
June 26, 1997.