ul. Biala 7
80-435 Gdansk
+48 58 3410274 x6
+48 58 3410274 x6
Marek Michalkiewicz marekm@piast.t19.ds.pwr.wroc.pl
EMail, remote network administration, onsite, direct help in Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia.
Debian Linux installation, programming services, system administration, Internet connectivity, firewall installation, security, troubleshooting.
Upon request.
August 15, 1998.
ul. Wroblewskiego 59d/64
94-035 Lodz
+48 602 702 952, +48 602 681 773
+48 42 319 536
Marcin Pisarski <mart@doskomp.lodz.pl>
Remote network administration.
Linux installation support, configuration, basic and advanced administration. Internet and Intranet setup, security, troubleshooting, training, Unix-Windows connectivity (SMB/Samba), NFS, DNS. X Windows, web installation.
Instalacja i konfiguracja Linux'a, administracja serwerem. Konfiguracja i instalacja serwerow dla providerow Internetu. Bezpieczenstwo serwera (Zabezpieczanie, staly monitoring systemu). Instalacja, konfiguracja serwerow pocztowych, WWW, DNS, X-Windows, NFS. Udostepnianie zasobow dla Windows NT.
Upon request.
March 22, 1998.
Kasprzaka 29/31
01-234 Warsaw
+48 22 368821 x247
Cezar Cichocki <cezar@cs.net.pl>
Remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Familiar with all Linux topics. We can help in connecting a company to the Internet. Special or custom installations possible. We also sell hardware - Sangoma FR cards, Linux based X-terminals. We are a member of the Polish Commercial Linux Consortium.
Basic installation is 500 PLN.
September 25, 1998.
Ul. Koszarowa 48/9
51-149 Wroclaw
+48 71 720450 x117, +48 71 721848
+48 71 721733
Ian Carr-de Avelon
EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Server and gateway programming, secure information transfer and electronic cash systems, databases, installation, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, interfacing with other operating systems, troubleshooting.
September 19, 1997.
ul. Zaolzianska 11
41-800 Zabrze
+48 32 276 14 30
+48 32 276 01 75
Andrzej Madloch
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, direct help in every main city in Poland.
Training, web server configuration, networking, Internet and Intranet setup and connectivity - planing and design, ISP system configuration, security (firewalls, VPN), Samba, X11-terminals configurations, web development, Linux instalation and configuration, Instalation and configuration of Linux Novell server emulator, Linux as access server for Windows NT, IP-masquarade instalation and setup, application software development.
Szkolenia, konfiguracja serwerow web, sieci, Istalacja i konfiguracja serwerow Internetowych i Intranetowych Instalacja i konfiguracja Linux'a jako routera internetowego, Planowanie i podlaczanie sieci lokalnych do Internetu, Konfiguracja i instalacja serwerów dla providerow Internetu, Bezpieczenstwo (firewall, Virtualne Sieci Prywatne, ustalanie polityki bezpieczenstwa), Konfigurowanie X-terminali na Linuxie bez dysku twardego, Instalacja i konfiguracja Linuxa, Emulator serwera Novell, nie musisz kupowac Novella, Konfiguracja serwerow pocztowych na Linuxie Linux jako serwer dostepowy dla Windows NT, IP-masquarade - podlaczanie calej sieci na jednym IP, Pisanie oprogramowanie na Linuxa.
US$50-$100/hour dependent on project level.
August 10, 1997.
Matejki 10/1
87-100 Toruñ
+48 56 21146
Rafal Maszkowski
Phone, EMail, remote network administration and direct help in Toruñ area.
Installation, administration, security, connecting to the Internet, training in administration and usage.
Upon request.
June 24, 1997.
ul. Krynicka 1
80-393 Gdansk
+48 58 556 11 76
Jacek Kijewski <jacek@softomat.com.pl>
Phone, EMail, remote network administration and onsite.
Familiar with all Linux topics. We can help in connecting a company to the Internet. Special or custom installations possible.
December 5, 1997.