Goethestraße 9
D-78600 Kolbingen
+49 7463 9900 x10
+49 7463 9900 x15
Andreas Balg <balg@abc-kolbingen.com>
Schulung, Fernwartung, Vor-Ort-Service (Süddeutschland und Schweiz), Beratung und Consulting.
Entwicklung und Administration von Internet und Intranet-Lösungen, LANs, WANs und Netzwerkintegration Linux basierender Server, Design und Hosting von WWW-Pages, insbesondere Entwicklung und/oder Implementation web-basierender Informationsdienste, und Anwendungen für Intra-, Extra- und Internet. WWW-Datenbankanbindungen für Linux-SQL Datenbanken, Schulung, Support.
Upon request.
July 12, 1998.
Brunnadernstraße 3
CH-3006 Berne
+41 31 352 58 25
Fritz-Lorenz Born
Phone and EMail.
Internet and Intranet connectivity, file and print server for Macintosh and Windows PC systems, training, network consulting, business opportunity scanning.
Upon request.
June 13, 1998.
CH-8583 Götighofen
+41 71 640 04 10
+41 71 640 04 11
Mauro Canal
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation, system administration, communication projects, database development and applications, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall and security, troubleshooting, training.
Upon request.
April 6, 1998.
Mortgartenstraße 5
CH-8004 Zurich
+41 1 240 24 50
+41 1 240 24 52
Urs Gubser, Christoph Wernli, David Künzler
Remote network administration, inhouse, onsite and server-housing.
Intrane- and Extranet strategy experts. Building of Intranet and Extranet systems (including E-commerce etc.) for mid-sized companies.
Upon request.
September 26, 1998.
rue verrerie 5B
CH-1870 Monthey
+41 24 472 3653
+41 24 471 9743
Marc Kilian
Phone, EMail, fax, inhouse and onsite.
Familiar with most topics.
Upon request.
September 27, 1997.
Sierenzerstraßse 37
CH-4055 Basel
+41 61 382 23 66
+41 61 382 23 66
Rüdiger Jensen
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Linux (Unix) programming (C, C++, Perl and Java) and system administration, firewall installation, process automation, realtime systems, Intranet and Internet connectivity, node management, databases, troubleshooting, training.
SFr 125/hour.
November 14, 1997.
Im Wingert
CH-7026 Maladers
+41 81 252 80 06
+41 81 252 80 06
Tomas Pospisek
Phone, fax, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Web and CGI programming, ISP, Internet and Intranet system setup and administration, networking, security, database applications, troubleshooting.
Upon request.
January 5, 1998.
Magdalenenstraße 45
CH-8050 Zurich
+41 1 310 2100
+41 1 310 2102
Adam Feigin
Phone, EMail, fax, remote network administration and onsite.
Installation, system administration, Internet and Intranet setup, connectivity and administration, firewall and security design, setup, installation and configuration.
Upon request.
January 16, 1998.