1925 S 3rd Avenue
Maywood, IL 60153
+1 708 344 6994
Rahim Azizarab
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Installation, programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall installation, troubleshooting and training.
Free for individuals.
August 5, 1997.
1730 N 12 Street
Quincy, IL 62301
+1 217 222 7345
+1 217 222 7634
Aaron Baugher
Phone, EMail, remote network administration and onsite.
Installation, system administration, programming, Internet programming.
US$60/hour plus expenses.
February 28, 1998.
614 W Giles Lane, B
Peoria, IL 61614
+1 309 689 1159
+1 309 669 4808
Brian Butte
Phone, EMail, inhouse, and onsite.
Internet, Intranet and extranet development, systems integration, training, troubleshooting.
Upon request.
June 26, 1998.
6694 Double Eagle Drive #302
Woodridge, IL 60517
+1 630 493 0639
Tony Mendoza
Phone, EMail and onsite.
Installation, programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, troubleshooting, training.
Upon request.
August 15, 1998.
1407 W. Chicago
Chicago, IL 60622
+1 312 850 5200
+1 312 850 5208
Stelios Valavanis
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Inhouse installation and support of Linux for custom solutions such as routing, firewall, EMail, web serving, etc. Custom solutions for job tracking, print spooling/processing, Intranet, etc.
July 2, 1997.
18 Skyview Drive
Springfield, IL 62702
+1 217 698 6234
+1 217 698 6234
Jeff Licquia
All types.
Specializing in Open Source solutions. Internet and Intranet, database, other custom programming, Internet access, LAN/WAN setup, design, and installation, integration and bridging Linux, Windows NT and Novell.
Upon request.
September 30, 1998.
305 Van Damin Avenue
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-5215
+1 630 545 1470
+1 630 545 1471
Mark A. Schwenk
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall installation.
Upon request.
August 9, 1998.