This section is based on IBM Corp. NFS mount problem checklist. My thanks to them for making it available for this HOWTO. If you experience a problem mounting a NFS filesystem please refer to this list before posting your problem. Each item describes a failure mode and the fix.
Fix: Export it
e.g.: export list says export to johnmad
but johnmad
name is resolved as
. mount permission is
Fix: Export to both forms of the name.
It can also happen if the client has 2 interfaces with different names for each of the two adapters and the export only specifies one.
Fix: export both interfaces.
This can also happen if the server can't do a lookuphostbyname or
lookuphostbyaddr (these are library functions) on the client. Make
sure the client can do host <name>
; host
; and that both shows the same machine.
Fix: straighten out name resolution.
Fix: Shut down NFSd and then restart it.
Note: The clients that had the underlying mount point mounted will get problems accessing it after the restart.
Fix: Get the date set right.
The HOWTO author recommends using NTP to synchronize clocks. Since there are export restrictions on NTP in the US you have to get NTP for debian, redhat or slackware from or a mirror.
Fix: decrease the number of groups the user is in or mount via a different user.