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       XtPopdown, XtCallbackPopdown - unmap a pop-up

       void XtPopdown(popup_shell)
             Widget popup_shell;

       void XtCallbackPopdown(w, client_data, call_data)
             Widget w;
             XtPointer client_data;
             XtPointer call_data;

       void MenuPopdown(shell_name)
             String shell_name;

       call_data Specifies the callback data, which is not used
                 by this procedure.

                 Specifies a pointer to the XtPopdownID struc-

                 Specifies the widget shell to pop down.

                 Specifies the name of the widget shell to pop

       w         Specifies the widget.

       The XtPopdown function performs the following:

       +o    Calls XtCheckSubclass to ensure popup_shell is a sub-
            class of Shell.

       +o    Checks that popup_shell is currently popped_up; oth-
            erwise, it generates an error.

       +o    Unmaps popup_shell's window.

       +o    If popup_shell's grab_kind is either XtGrabNonexclu-
            sive or XtGrabExclusive, it calls XtRemoveGrab.

       +o    Sets pop-up shell's popped_up field to False.

       +o    Calls the callback procedures on the shell's pop-
            down_callback list.

       The XtCallbackPopdown function casts the client data
       parameter to an XtPopdownID pointer:

       typedef struct {
            Widget shell_widget;
            Widget enable_widget;
       } XtPopdownIDRec, *XtPopdownID;
The shell_widget is the pop-up shell to pop down, and the
enable_widget is the widget that was used to pop it up.

       XtCallbackPopdown calls XtPopdown with the specified
       shell_widget and then calls XtSetSensitive to resensitize
       the enable_widget.

       If a shell name is not given, MenuPopdown calls XtPopdown
       with the widget for which the translation is specified.
       If a shell_name is specified in the translation table,
       MenuPopdown tries to find the shell by looking up the wid-
       get tree starting at the parent of the widget in which it
       is invoked.  If it finds a shell with the specified name
       in the pop-up children of that parent, it pops down the
       shell; otherwise, it moves up the parent chain as needed.
       If MenuPopdown gets to the application top-level shell
       widget and cannot find a matching shell, it generates an

       XtCreatePopupShell(3Xt) XtPopup(3Xt) 
       X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

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