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       Tcl_PkgRequire, Tcl_PkgProvide - package version control

       #include <<tcl.h>>

       char *
       Tcl_PkgRequire(interp, name, version, exact)

       Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, name, version)

       Tcl_Interp     *interp      (in)      Interpreter    where
                                             package is needed or

       char           *name        (in)      Name of package.

       char           *version     (in)      A   version   string
                                             consisting of one or
                                             more decimal numbers
                                             separated by dots.

       int            exact        (in)      Non-zero means  that
                                             only  the particular
                                             version specified by
                                             version  is  accept-
                                             able.   Zero   means
                                             that  newer versions
                                             than   version   are
                                             also  acceptable  as
                                             long  as  they  have
                                             the  same major ver-
                                             sion number as  ver-

       These procedures provide C-level interfaces to Tcl's pack-
       age and version management facilities.  Tcl_PkgRequire  is
       equivalent to the package require command, and Tcl_PkgPro-
       vide is equivalent to the package  provide  command.   See
       the documentation for the Tcl commands for details on what
       these procedures do.  If Tcl_PkgRequire completes success-
       fully  it  returns a pointer to the version string for the
       version of the package that is provided in the interpreter
       (which  may be different than version); if an error occurs
       it  returns  NULL  and  leaves   an   error   message   in
       interp-&gt;result.   Tcl_PkgProvide returns TCL_OK if it com-
       pletes  successfully;  if  an  error  occurs  it   returns

       TCL_ERROR and leaves an error message in interp-&gt;result.

       package, provide, require, version

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