Subroutines(3) s Index Page

Subroutines(3) s Index Page

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scandir scandir, alphasort - scan a directory for matching entries
scanf scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input
format conversion
ScreenCount AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber,
DefaultColormap, DefaultDepth, XListDepths, DefaultGC,
DefaultRootWindow, DefaultScreenOfDisplay, DefaultScreen,
DefaultVisual, DisplayCells, DisplayPlanes, DisplayString,
XMaxRequestSize, XExtendedMaxRequestSize, LastKnownRe-
questProcessed, NextRequest, ProtocolVersion, ProtocolRe-
vision, QLength, RootWindow, ScreenCount, ScreenOfDisplay,
ServerVendor, VendorRelease - Display macros and functions
ScreenNumberOfCCC DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhite-
PointOfCCC, ClientWhitePointOfCCC - Color Conversion Con-
text macros
ScreenOfDisplay AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber,
DefaultColormap, DefaultDepth, XListDepths, DefaultGC,
DefaultRootWindow, DefaultScreenOfDisplay, DefaultScreen,
DefaultVisual, DisplayCells, DisplayPlanes, DisplayString,
XMaxRequestSize, XExtendedMaxRequestSize, LastKnownRe-
questProcessed, NextRequest, ProtocolVersion, ProtocolRe-
vision, QLength, RootWindow, ScreenCount, ScreenOfDisplay,
ServerVendor, VendorRelease - Display macros and functions
ScreenWhitePointOfCCC DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhite-
PointOfCCC, ClientWhitePointOfCCC - Color Conversion Con-
text macros
seed48 drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48,
srand48, seed48, lcong48 - generate uniformly distributed
pseudo-random numbers
seekdir seekdir - set the position of the next readdir() call in
the directory stream.
sem_destroy sem_init, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_post, sem_getvalue,
sem_destroy - operations on semaphores
sem_getvalue sem_init, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_post, sem_getvalue,
sem_destroy - operations on semaphores
sem_init sem_init, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_post, sem_getvalue,
sem_destroy - operations on semaphores
sem_post sem_init, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_post, sem_getvalue,
sem_destroy - operations on semaphores
sem_trywait sem_init, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_post, sem_getvalue,
sem_destroy - operations on semaphores
sem_wait sem_init, sem_wait, sem_trywait, sem_post, sem_getvalue,
sem_destroy - operations on semaphores
ServerVendor AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber,
DefaultColormap, DefaultDepth, XListDepths, DefaultGC,
DefaultRootWindow, DefaultScreenOfDisplay, DefaultScreen,
DefaultVisual, DisplayCells, DisplayPlanes, DisplayString,
XMaxRequestSize, XExtendedMaxRequestSize, LastKnownRe-
questProcessed, NextRequest, ProtocolVersion, ProtocolRe-
vision, QLength, RootWindow, ScreenCount, ScreenOfDisplay,
ServerVendor, VendorRelease - Display macros and functions
SetAppName Tk_SetAppName - Set the name of an application for
``send'' commands
setbuf setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering
setbuffer setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering
SetClass Tk_SetClass, Tk_Class - set or retrieve a window's class
setenv setenv - change or add an environment variable
SetErrno Tcl_SetErrno, Tcl_GetErrno - manipulate errno to store and
retrieve error codes
setgrent getgrent, setgrent, endgrent - get group file entry
SetGrid Tk_SetGrid, Tk_UnsetGrid - control the grid for interac-
tive resizing
sethostent gethostbyname, gethostbyaddr, sethostent, endhostent, her-
ror - get network host entry
setjmp setjmp, sigsetjmp - save stack context for non-local goto
setlinebuf setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering
setlocale setlocale - set the current locale.
setmntent getmntent, setmntent, addmntent, endmntent, hasmntopt -
get file system descriptor file entry
setnetent getnetent, getnetbyaddr, getnetbyname, setnetent, endne-
tent - get networks entry
setprotoent getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setpro-
toent, endprotoent - get protocol entry
setpwent getpwent, setpwent, endpwent - get password file entry
SetRecLmt Tcl_SetRecursionLimit - set maximum allowable nesting
depth in interpreter
SetResult Tcl_SetObjResult, Tcl_GetObjResult, Tcl_SetResult,
Tcl_GetStringResult, Tcl_AppendResult, Tcl_AppendElement,
Tcl_ResetResult - manipulate Tcl result
setservent getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent, end-
servent - get service entry
setstate random, srandom, initstate, setstate - random number gen-
setusershell getusershell, setusershell, endusershell - get legal user
setutent getutent, getutid, getutline, pututline, setutent, endu-
tent, utmpname - access utmp file entries
SetVar Tcl_SetVar, Tcl_SetVar2, Tcl_GetVar, Tcl_GetVar2,
Tcl_UnsetVar, Tcl_UnsetVar2 - manipulate Tcl variables
setvbuf setbuf, setbuffer, setlinebuf, setvbuf - stream buffering
SetVisual Tk_SetWindowVisual - change visual characteristics of win-
shadow shadow - encrypted password file routines
sigaddset sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
- POSIX signal set operations.
sigdelset sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
- POSIX signal set operations.
sigemptyset sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
- POSIX signal set operations.
sigfillset sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
- POSIX signal set operations.
siginterrupt siginterrupt - allow signals to interrupt system calls
sigismember sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
- POSIX signal set operations.
siglongjmp longjmp, siglongjmp - non-local jump to a saved stack con-
sigsetjmp setjmp, sigsetjmp - save stack context for non-local goto
sigsetops sigemptyset, sigfillset, sigaddset, sigdelset, sigismember
- POSIX signal set operations.
sigwait pthread_sigmask, pthread_kill, sigwait - handling of sig-
nals in threads
sin sin - sine function
sinh sinh - hyperbolic sine function
Sleep Tcl_Sleep - delay execution for a given number of mil-
snmp_api snmp_open, snmp_close, snmp_send, snmp_read,
snmp_free_pdu, snmp_select_info, snmp_timeout - send and
receive SNMP messages
snprintf snprintf, vsnprintf - formatted output conversion
SplitList Tcl_SplitList, Tcl_Merge, Tcl_ScanElement, Tcl_ConvertEle-
ment - manipulate Tcl lists
SplitPath Tcl_SplitPath, Tcl_JoinPath, Tcl_GetPathType - manipulate
platform-dependent file paths
sprintf printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf,
vsprintf, vsnprintf - formatted output conversion
sqrt sqrt - square root function
srand rand, srand - random number generator.
srand48 drand48, erand48, lrand48, nrand48, mrand48, jrand48,
srand48, seed48, lcong48 - generate uniformly distributed
pseudo-random numbers
srandom random, srandom, initstate, setstate - random number gen-
sscanf scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vscanf, vsscanf, vfscanf - input
format conversion
StaticPkg Tcl_StaticPackage - make a statically linked package
available via the load command
stdarg stdarg - variable argument lists
stderr stdin, stdout, stderr - standard I/O streams
stdin stdin, stdout, stderr - standard I/O streams
stdio stdio - standard input/output library functions
stdout stdin, stdout, stderr - standard I/O streams
stpcpy stpcpy - copy a string returning a pointer to its end
strcasecmp strcasecmp, strncasecmp - compare two strings ignoring
strcat strcat, strncat - concatenate two strings
strchr strchr, strrchr - locate character in string
strcmp strcmp, strncmp - compare two strings
strcoll strcoll - compare two strings using the current locale
strcpy strcpy, strncpy - copy a string
strcspn strspn, strcspn - search a string for a set of characters
strdup strdup - duplicate a string
strerror strerror - return string describing error code
strfry strfry - randomize a string
strftime strftime - format date and time
StrictMotif Tk_StrictMotif - Return value of tk_strictMotif variable
string strcasecmp, strcat, strchr, strcmp, strcoll, strcpy, strc-
spn, strdup, strfry, strlen, strncat, strncmp, strncpy,
strncasecmp, strpbrk, strrchr, strsep, strspn, strstr,
strtok, strxfrm, index, rindex - string operations
StringObj Tcl_NewStringObj, Tcl_SetStringObj, Tcl_GetStringFromObj,
Tcl_AppendToObj, Tcl_AppendStringsToObj, Tcl_SetObjLength,
TclConcatObj - manipulate Tcl objects as strings
strlen strlen - calculate the length of a string
StrMatch Tcl_StringMatch - test whether a string matches a pattern
strncasecmp strcasecmp, strncasecmp - compare two strings ignoring
strncat strcat, strncat - concatenate two strings
strncmp strcmp, strncmp - compare two strings
strncpy strcpy, strncpy - copy a string
strpbrk strpbrk - search a string for any of a set of characters
strptime strptime - convert a string representation of time to a
time tm structure
strrchr strchr, strrchr - locate character in string
strsep strsep - extract token from string
strsignal strsignal - return string describing signal
strspn strspn, strcspn - search a string for a set of characters
strstr strstr - locate a substring
strtod strtod - convert ASCII string to double
strtok strtok - extract token from string
strtol strtol - convert a string to a long integer.
strtoul strtoul - convert a string to an unsigned long integer.
strxfrm strxfrm - string transformation
swab swab - swap adjacent bytes
sysconf sysconf - Get configuration information at runtime
syslog syslog - read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set
system system - execute a shell command
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