Games(6) Index Page

Games(6) Index Page

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adventure adventure - an exploration game
arithmetic arithmetic - quiz on simple arithmetic
atc atc - air traffic controller game
backgammon backgammon - the game of backgammon
teachgammon - learn to play backgammon
banner banner - print large banner on printer
battlestar battlestar - a tropical adventure game
bcd bcd, ppt, morse - reformat input as punch cards, paper tape or morse code
caesar caesar, rot13 - decrypt caesar cyphers
canfield canfield, cfscores - the solitaire card game canfield
cfscores canfield, cfscores - the solitaire card game canfield
cmail cmail - an email chess helper
countmail countmail - be obnoxious about how much mail you have
cribbage cribbage - the card game cribbage
factor factor, primes - factor a number, generate primes
fish fish - play ``Go Fish''
flying flying - pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator
fortune fortune - print a random, hopefully interesting, adage
game game
gnuan gnuan
gnuchess gnuchess - Chess
gomoku gomoku - game of 5 in a row
hangman hangman - Computer version of the game hangman
hunt hunt - a multi-player multi-terminal game
huntd huntd - hunt daemon, back-end for hunt game
intro intro - Introduction to user commands
mille mille - play Mille Bornes
monop monop - Monopoly game
morse bcd, ppt, morse - reformat input as punch cards, paper tape or morse code
number number - convert Arabic numerals to English
phantasia phantasia - an interterminal fantasy game
pig pig - eformatray inputway asway Igpay Atinlay
pom pom - display the phase of the moon
postprint postprint
ppt bcd, ppt, morse - reformat input as punch cards, paper tape or morse code
primes factor, primes - factor a number, generate primes
quiz quiz - random knowledge tests
rain rain - animated raindrops display
random random, srandom, initstate, setstate - random number gen-
robots robots - fight off villainous robots
rot13 caesar, rot13 - decrypt caesar cyphers
sail sail - multi-user wooden ships and iron men
snake snake, snscore - display chase game
snscore snake, snscore - display chase game
teachgammon backgammon - the game of backgammon
teachgammon - learn to play backgammon
tetris-bsd tetris - the game of tetris
trek trek - trekkie game
trojka TROJKA - a game of skill.
wargames wargames - shall we play a game?
worm worm - Play the growing worm game
worms worms - animate worms on a display terminal
wump wump - hunt the wumpus in an underground cave
xboard xboard - X user interface for GNU Chess, the Internet
Chess Server (ICS), and electronic mail correspondence
xcannon flying - pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator
xcarrom flying - pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator
xcurling flying - pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator
xevil XEvil - a fast-action explicitly violent game for X
xgammon xgammon -- an X11 backgammon for linux
xhockey flying - pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator
xpat2 xpat2 - generic patience game for X11
xpool flying - pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator
xsnooker flying - pool/snooker/carrom/hockey/curling simulator
xtrojka xtrojka - a game of skill.
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