Schloss-Straße 98
D-70176 Stuttgart
+49 711 621027 0
+49 711 613590
Thomas Ploss, Dirk Haaga
Phone, EMail, fax and remote network administration.
Installation, programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall installation, troubleshooting, training. delix also offers support for Red Hat Linux and software from Xi Graphics.
Upon request.
October 14, 1998.
Möhnestraße 11-17
D-59755 Arnsberg
Postfach 1444
D-59704 Arnsberg
+49 2932 916 0
+49 2932 916 230
Achim Cloer
Phone, remote network administration and inhouse.
Critical server administration, guaranteed availability, fault tolerant network topology, WAN and LAN router administation, Internet and Intranet software development.
DM 200/hour. For detailed information, see
November 14, 1997.
Ziegelhütte 4
D-66862 Kindsbach
+49 6371 60056
+49 6371 69957
Karl Feichtinger
Entwicklung und Administration von Internet und Intranet-Lösungen, Internet-Anbindung von LANs durch Linux-Kommunikationsserver, Schulung, Support.
Tagessatz DM 1200, Festpreise nach Vereinbarung.
June 23, 1997.
Gastendonkstr. 9
D-47804 Krefeld
+49 2151 972351
+49 2151 972352
Markus Stroese
Phone, EMail, remote network administration and inhouse.
Training, programming services, consulting for free software, installation, net connectivity, troubleshooting, site planning.
Upon request.
November 8, 1998.
Reinickendorfer Straße 2
D-58642 Iserlohn
+49 2374 930 600
+49 2374 930 666
Matthias Michel
Phone, EMail and fax: All over Europe. Inhouse, onsite and remote network administration: All over Germany.
Installation, network architecture, system administration, Internet, Intranet, firewalling, security consulting, troubleshooting, heterogenious network integration, upgrade service.
Upon request.
August 9, 1998.
+49 171 8030373
+49 171 8029279
Michael Dietrich
Phone, EMail and inhouse. I do projects anywhere in Germany or even in other countries.
Programming services (various languages including C, C++ and Java), installation, troubleshooting, training. Special portable computer knowledge.
Maximum of DM 100/hour (approximately US$/60) plus traveling.
June 22, 1997.
Carl-Später-Str. 1
D-56070 Koblenz
+49 261 98440 0
+49 261 98440 44
Andreas Heilwagen
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Hostmaster of an ISP using Linux machines.
Upon request.
August 4, 1997.
Waldweg 9
D-85386 Eching/Munich
+49 89 327155 0
+49 89 327155 99
Jean Louis Ntakpe
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Familiar with most topics.
Upon request.
March 17, 1997.
Schanzäcker Str. 10
D-90443 Nürnberg
+49 911 7 40 53 56, +49 911 7 40 53 31
+49 911 7 41 77 55
Thomas Fehr
Telephonisch, EMail, Fax, Fernwartung, Inhouse und vor Ort.
Support mit/ohne Wartungsverträge, Entwicklung, WWW-Applikationen, Internet- und Intranet-Anbindung (z.B. ISDN), spezielle Hardwareanbindung, Beratung. Umfassendes Linux Know-How des 35-köpfigen Entwicklerteams der S.u.S.E. GmbH.
Weiterhin bietet S.u.S.E. mit Linux vorinstallierte Computersysteme an. Die Palette reicht vom einfachen Router bis Hardware-RAID5 Servern.
Auf Anfrage.
October 7, 1998.