Goethestraße 9
D-78600 Kolbingen
+49 7463 9900 x10
+49 7463 9900 x15
Andreas Balg <balg@abc-kolbingen.com>
Schulung, Fernwartung, Vor-Ort-Service (Süddeutschland und Schweiz), Beratung und Consulting.
Entwicklung und Administration von Internet und Intranet-Lösungen, LANs, WANs und Netzwerkintegration Linux basierender Server, Design und Hosting von WWW-Pages, insbesondere Entwicklung und/oder Implementation web-basierender Informationsdienste, und Anwendungen für Intra-, Extra- und Internet. WWW-Datenbankanbindungen für Linux-SQL Datenbanken, Schulung, Support.
Upon request.
July 12, 1998.
Poppelfeld 9
D-76646 Bruchsal
+49 7257 930142
+49 7257 930143
Hans-Joachim Baader
Free support by EMail, phone, fax if I can answer by EMail.
Linux and Unix programming and system administration. Process automation, network programming, databases, realtime systems.
Upon request.
June 22, 1997.
Langstraße 12
Postfach 101122
D-68011 Mannheim
+49 621 1718030467
+49 621 334933
Günter L. Fischer
EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation, programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall installation, reseller of software by Caldera.
DM 135/hour.
October 12, 1997.
Belchenstr. 8
D-79194 Gundelfingen
+49 761 589073
+49 761 2035541
Achim Hornecker
EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation, programming (C, C++, Perl, Java), Internet and Intranet connectivity, training, heterogeneous networks, web development.
DM 80/hour.
June 17, 1997.
Wacholderweg 14
D-70597 Stuttgart
+49 711 7676184
+49 711 7676185
http://www.musoftware.com (In German)
Ullrich von Bassewitz <uz@musoftware.com>
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Installation, programming services, Internet and Intranet connectivity.
Upon request.
June 27, 1997.
Marhördt 14
D-74420 Oberrot
+49 7977 910040
+49 7977 910041
Klaus Kappel
Remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation and administration (especially in classrooms), http (apache, squid), sendmail and fetchmail, news (INN), Internet training, PostgreSQL, CGI, perl, shell (bash), paralell port interface.
Upon request.
May 17, 1998.
Apoldaer Weg 7
D-68309 Mannheim
+49 621 71 51 12
+49 621 7 14 07 21
Andreas Lindenblatt
Telefonisch, EMail, Fax, Fernwartung, Inhouse und vor Ort.
Web-Server und virtuelle Web-Server mit SSL, SQL, RealAudio- und Videoeinspeisung, CGI. Administration und Konfiguration von Netzen.
Upon request.
November 8, 1998.
Am Eisteich 9
D-72555 Metzingen
+49 7123 14881
+49 7127 974110
Jochen Wiedmann
Phone, EMail, remote network administration and inhouse.
Firewall installation, programming (C, C++, Perl), system administration, network, Internet, Intranet.
DM 120/hour.
August 4, 1997.