User Commands(1) a-e Index Page

User Commands(1) a-e Index Page

Home Page User Commands f-k Section
ac ac - print statistics about users' connect time
acm acm - an aerial combat simulator for X
addftinfo addftinfo - add information to troff font files for use
with groff
addr2line addr2line - convert addresses into file names and line
afm2tfm afm2tfm - convert Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics
afmtodit afmtodit - create font files for use with groff -Tps
afterstep afterstep - X11 window manager
ali ali - list mail aliases
allcm allcm - force the most important Computer-Modern-fonts to
be calculated
alldc alldc - force the most important DC-fonts to be calculated
allneeded allneeded - force the calculation of all fonts now needed
amslatex amslatex - structured text formatting and typesetting
amstex amstex - structured text formatting and typesetting
Animate Animate - the AfterStep Animate module
anno anno - annotate messages
AnotherLevel AnotherLevel - The Default Red Hat Desktop
answer answer - phone message transcription system
anytopnm anytopnm - attempt to convert an unknown type of image
file to a portable anymap
apm apm - query Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS
append_db append_db - add single entry to TeX-inputfiles-database
appres appres - list X application resource database
apropos apropos - search the whatis database for strings
ar ar - create, modify, and extract from archives.
arch arch - print machine architecture
as GNU as - the portable GNU assembler.
ascd ascd - the AfterStep CD player
ascii-xfr ascii-xfr - upload/download files using the ASCII protocol
asciitopgm asciitopgm - convert ASCII graphics into a portable
asclock asclock - the AfterStep clock
asfsm asfsm - the AfterStep file system monitor
ash ash - a shell
asmail asmail - AfterStep Mail
asmixer asmixer - the AfterStep Mixer
at at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for
later execution
atktopbm atktopbm - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to
portable bitmap
atobm bitmap, bmtoa, atobm - bitmap editor and converter utili-
ties for the X Window System
atq at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for
later execution
atrm at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for
later execution
attraction attraction - interactions of opposing forces
Audio Audio - the AfterStep Audio module
audiocompose audiocompose - Compose an audio fragment for inclusion in
a mail message
audiosend audiosend - Send an audio email message
aumix aumix - adjust /dev/mixer or /dev/mixer1
authkey authkey - create authKey for cmu snmpd and cmu managing
Auto Auto - the AfterStep auto-raise module
autoexpect autoexpect - generate an Expect script from watching a
autopvf pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
awk gawk - pattern scanning and processing language
Banner Banner - the Banner for Afterstep
basename basename - strip directory and suffix from filenames
bash bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
basictopvf pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
batch at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for
later execution
bc bc - An arbitrary precision calculator language
bdftopcf bdftopcf - convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format
to Portable Compiled Format
beforelight beforelight - screen saver
bggen bggen - generates colored backgrounds on X11 displays
bibtex bibtex - make a bibliography for (La)TeX
biff biff - be notified if mail arrives and who it is from
binhex binhex - Hexifies a series of files
bioradtopgm bioradtopgm - convert a Biorad confocal file into a
portable graymap
bison bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bitmap bitmap, bmtoa, atobm - bitmap editor and converter utili-
ties for the X Window System
blitspin blitspin - rotate a bitmap in an interesting way
bmptoppm bmptoppm - convert a BMP file into a portable pixmap
bmtoa bitmap, bmtoa, atobm - bitmap editor and converter utili-
ties for the X Window System
bouboule bouboule - draws spinning 3D blobs
braid braid - draws random color-cycling braids around a circle
bru bru - backup and restore utility
brushtopbm brushtopbm - convert a doodle brush file into a portable
bsh ash - a shell
bubbles bubbles - frying pan / soft drink simulation
buildhash ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icom-
bine, ijoin - Interactive spelling checking
bunzip2 bzip2, bunzip2 - a block-sorting file compressor, v0.1
bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
burst burst - explode digests into messages
byacc Yacc - an LALR(1) parser generator
bzip2 bzip2, bunzip2 - a block-sorting file compressor, v0.1
bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
c++decl cdecl, c++decl - Compose C and C++ type declarations
c++filt c++filt - demangle C++ symbols
c2lout c2lout - convert C and C++ source code into Lout
cal cal - displays a calendar
captoinfo captoinfo - convert a termcap description into a terminfo
cardinfo cardinfo - PCMCIA card monitor and control utility for X
cat cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
cccp cccp, cpp - The GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor.
cdecl cdecl, c++decl - Compose C and C++ type declarations
cdp cdplay -- an interactive text-mode program for controlling
and playing audio CD Roms under Linux.
chage chage - change user password expiry information
chattr chattr - change file attributes on a Linux second extended
file system
checkalias checkalias - check to see if an alias is defined.
chfn chfn - change your finger information
chgrp chgrp - change the group ownership of files
chmod chmod - change the access permissions of files
chown chown - change the user and group ownership of files
chroot chroot - run command or interactive shell with special
root directory
chsh chsh - change your login shell
chvt chvt - change foreground virtual terminal
ci ci - check in RCS revisions
cjpeg cjpeg - compress an image file to a JPEG file
cksum cksum - checksum and count the bytes in a file
Clean Clean - the AfterStep desktop clutter reduction module
clear clear - clear the terminal screen
cleardbdir cleardbdir - completely destroys all database files
cmuwmtopbm cmuwmtopbm - convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a
portable bitmap
co co - check out RCS revisions
col col - filter reverse line feeds from input
colcrt colcrt - filter nroff output for CRT previewing
colrm colrm - remove columns from a file
column column - columnate lists
combine combine - combine images to create new images.
comm comm - compare two sorted files line by line
comp comp - compose a message
compface compface, uncompface - compress and expand 48x48x1 face
image files
compress compress, uncompress, zcat - compress and expand data
(version 4.1)
convdate convdate - convert time/date strings and numbers
convert convert - converts an input file using one image format to
an output file with the same or differing image format.
coverpg make.coverpg - create a fax coverpg on stdout
cp cp - copy files
cpio cpio - copy files to and from archives
cpp cccp, cpp - The GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor.
cproto cproto - generate C function prototypes and convert func-
tion definitions
createdb createdb - create a database
createuser createuser - create a Postgres user
crontab crontab - maintain crontab files for individual users (V3)
cryptdir cryptdir - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
csplit csplit - split a file into sections determined by context
ctags ctags - Generate C and C++ language tag files for use with
cu cu - Call up another system
cut cut - remove sections from each line of files
cvs cvs - Concurrent Versions System
date date - print or set the system date and time
dc dc - an arbitrary precision calculator
dd dd - convert a file while copying it
ddate ddate - converts Gregorian dates to Discordian dates
deallocvt deallocvt - deallocate unused virtual consoles
decayscreen decayscreen - make a screen meltdown.
deco deco - draw tacky 70s basement wall panelling
decryptdir cryptdir - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
depmod depmod, modprobe - handle loadable modules automatically
destroydb destroydb - destroy an existing database
destroyuser destroyuser - destroy a Postgres user and associated
df df - summarize free disk space
dga dga - test program for the XFree86-DGA extension
dialog dialog - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
diffstat diffstat - make histogram from diff-output
dig dig - send domain name query packets to name servers
dircolors dircolors - output commands to set the LS_COLOR environ-
ment variable
dirname dirname - strip non-directory suffix from file name
dislocate Dislocate - disconnect and reconnect processes
display display - display an image on any workstation running X
dist dist - redistribute a message to additional addresses
ditty ditty - utility program that sets and displays the termi-
nal options for Digi intelligent serial products.
djpeg djpeg - decompress a JPEG file to an image file
dnsdomainname hostname - show or set the system's host name
domainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dnsdomainname - show the system's DNS domain name
nisdomainname - show or set system's NIS/YP domain name
ypdomainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dnsquery dnsquery - query domain name servers using resolver
doexec doexec - run an executable with an arbitrary argv[0]
domainname hostname - show or set the system's host name
domainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dnsdomainname - show the system's DNS domain name
nisdomainname - show or set system's NIS/YP domain name
ypdomainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dos dos, xdos, dosexec, dosdebug - run MS-DOS and MS-DOS pro-
grams under Linux
dosdebug dos, xdos, dosexec, dosdebug - run MS-DOS and MS-DOS pro-
grams under Linux
drift drift - draws drifting recursive fractal cosmic flames
du du - summarize disk usage
dumpkeys dumpkeys - dump keyboard translation tables
dvilj dvilj4, dvilj4l, dvilj2p, dvilj - convert dvi files to
PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvips dvips - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dvired dvired - print dvi-files
dvitype dvitype - translate a dvi file for humans
echo echo - display a line of text
ecpg ecpg - embedded SQL preprocessor for C
ed ed, red - text editor
editres editres - a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applica-
efax efax - send/receive faxes using Class 1 or 2 fax modems
efix efix - convert between fax, text, bit-map and gray-scale
egcs gcc, g++ - GNU project C and C++ Compiler (egcs-1.0.2)
egrep grep, egrep, fgrep - print lines matching a pattern
eject eject - eject removable media
elm elm - an interactive mail system
elmalias elmalias - expand and display Elm address aliases
emacs emacs - GNU project Emacs
env env - run a program in a modified environment
eqn eqn - format equations for troff
etags etags, gctags - generate tag file for Emacs, vi
etex etex - extended plain TeX
exmh exmh - An introduction to the exmh mail user interface.
expand expand - convert tabs to spaces
expect expect - programmed dialogue with interactive programs,
Version 5
expectk expectk - Expect with Tk support
expr expr - evaluate expressions
extcompose extcompose - Compose a reference to external data for
inclusion in a mail message
Home Page User Commands f-k Section