User Commands(1) f-k Index Page

User Commands(1) f-k Index Page

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f2c f2c - Convert Fortran 77 to C or C++
f77 g77 - GNU project Fortran Compiler (v0.5.21)
faces faces - visual mail, user and print face server.
face_update faces - automatic faces database update script.
false false - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fastmail fastmail - quick batch mail interface to a single address
fax fax - make, send, receive, view or print a fax
fax2ps fax2ps - convert a TIFF facsimile to compressed POSTSCRIPT
fax2tiff fax2tiff - create a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax
faxalter faxalter - alter parameters of a HylaFAX job queued for
faxcover faxcover - generate a POSTSCRIPT cover page for an outgo-
ing facsimile
faxmail faxmail - HylaFAX mail-to-fax gateway application
faxq faxq - display fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
faxrm faxrm - remove fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
faxrunq faxrunq - send fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
faxspool faxspool - queue and convert files for faxing with send-
faxstat faxstat - display HylaFAX status
fetchmail fetchmail - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, or ETRN-capable
fetchmailconf fetchmail - fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, or ETRN-capable
fgrep grep, egrep, fgrep - print lines matching a pattern
fig2dev fig2dev - translates Fig code to various graphics lan-
fig2ps2tex fig2ps2tex - generate a TeX file for including a
PostScript file
file file - determine file type
find find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
findaffix ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icom-
bine, ijoin - Interactive spelling checking
finger finger - user information lookup program
fitstopnm fitstopnm - convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
flag flag - draws a waving flag, containing text or an image
flame flame - draw weird cosmic fractals
flex flex - fast lexical analyzer generator
flist flist, flists - list the number of messages in a given
fmt fmt - simple optimal text formatter
fold fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
folder folder, folders - set/list current folder/message
fontexport fontexport - export fonts from the teTeX directory struc-
fontimport fontimport - import fonts into the teTeX directory struc-
forest forest - draws a fractal forest
Form Form - input form module for Afterstep
formail formail - mail (re)formatter
fort77 fort77 - invoke f2c Fortran translator transparently, like
a compiler
forw forw - forward messages
free free - Display amount of free and used memory in the sys-
frm frm,nfrm - list from and subject of selected messages in
mailbox or folder
frommac frommac - Receive files from the Macintosh
fsinfo fsinfo - X font server information utility
fslsfonts fslsfonts - list fonts served by X font server
fstobdf fstobdf - generate BDF font from X font server
fstopgm fstopgm - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a
portable graymap
ftp ftp - ARPANET file transfer program
funzip funzip - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a
fuser fuser - identify processes using files or sockets
fvwm fvwm - F(?) Virtual Window Manager for X11
fvwm2 fvwm2 - F(?) Virtual Window Manager (version 2.xx) for X11
FvwmAudio FvwmAudio - the FVWM Audio module
FvwmAuto FvwmAuto - the FVWM auto-raise module
FvwmBacker FvwmBacker - the FVWM background changer module
FvwmBanner FvwmBanner - the FVWM Banner
FvwmButtons FvwmButtons - the FVWM buttonbox module
FvwmCascade FvwmCascade - layer FVWM windows
FvwmClean FvwmClean - the FVWM desktop clutter reduction module
FvwmCommand FvwmCommand - FVWM command external interface
FvwmConfig FvwmConfig - the FVWM Configuration Aid (Braindead)
FvwmConsole FvwmConsole - the FVWM command input interface - Command editor for FVWM command input
FvwmCpp FvwmCpp - the FVWM Cpp pre-processor
FvwmDebug FvwmDebug - the FVWM module debugger
FvwmForm FvwmForm - input form module for Fvwm
FvwmGoodStuff FvwmGoodStuff - the FVWM button panel module
FvwmIconBox FvwmIconBox - the FVWM iconbox module
FvwmIconMan FvwmIconMan - an Fvwm Icon Manager
FvwmIdent FvwmIdent - the FVWM identify-window module
FvwmM4 FvwmM4 - the FVWM M4 pre-processor
FvwmPager FvwmPager - the FVWM Pager module
FvwmSave FvwmSave - the FVWM desktop-layout saving module
FvwmSaveDesk FvwmSaveDesk - another FVWM desktop-layout saving module
FvwmScript FvwmScript - module to build graphic user interface
FvwmScroll FvwmScroll - the FVWM scroll-bar module
FvwmTalk FvwmTalk - the FVWM command line interface
FvwmTaskBar FvwmTaskBar - the FVWM taskbar module
FvwmTile FvwmTile - tile FVWM windows
FvwmWharf FvwmWharf - the AfterStep application "dock" module ported
to Fvwm.
FvwmWinList FvwmWinList - the FVWM window list module
g++ g++ - GNU project C++ Compiler
g32pbm g32pbm - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
g3cat g3cat - concatenate multiple g3 documents
g3topbm g3topbm - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable
g77 g77 - GNU project Fortran Compiler (v0.5.21)
galaxy galaxy - draws spinning galaxies
gawk gawk - pattern scanning and processing language
gcc gcc, g++ - GNU project C and C++ Compiler (v2.7)
gctags etags, gctags - generate tag file for Emacs, vi
gdb gdb - The GNU Debugger
gemtopbm gemtopbm - convert a GEM .img file into a portable bitmap
geqn eqn - format equations for troff
getfilename getfilename - Ask the user to name a file in a given for-
getlist getlist - get a list from an NNTP server
getopt getopt - parse command options
getty getty - sets terminal mode, speed, and line discipline
gftodvi gftodvi - make proof sheets from generic font files
gftopk gftopk - convert generic font files to packed font files
gftype gftype - translate a generic font file for humans to read
ghostscript gs - Aladdin Ghostscript version 3.0 interpreter/previewer
gif2tiff gif2tiff - create a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image
giftopnm giftopnm - convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
giftrans giftrans - transform gif from gif87 to gif89, making one
color transparent
gindxbib indxbib - make inverted index for bibliographic databases
git git - GNU Interactive Tools
gitaction gitaction - GNU Interactive Tools - per file type action
gitkeys gitkeys - GNU Interactive Tools - Display key sequence
gitmount gitmount - GNU Interactive Tools - auto-mount script
gitps git - GNU Interactive Tools
gitrgrep gitrgrep - GNU Interactive Tools - recursive grep
gitunpack gitunpack - GNU Interactive Tools - Unified archive
gitview git - GNU Interactive Tools
glookbib lookbib - search bibliographic databases
gnroff nroff - emulate nroff command with groff
gnuplot gnuplot - an interactive plotting program
GoodStuff GoodStuff - the FVWM button panel module
goop goop - squishy transparent oil and bubble screenhack
gouldtoppm gouldtoppm - convert Gould scanner file into a portable
gpasswd gpasswd - administer the /etc/group file
gpic pic - compile pictures for troff or TeX
gpm gpm - a cut and paste utility and mouse server for virtual
gpm-root gpm-root - a default handler for gpm, used to draw menus
on the root window
gprof gprof - display call graph profile data
grav grav - draws a simple orbital simulation
grefer refer - preprocess bibliographic references for groff
grep grep, egrep, fgrep - print lines matching a pattern
grephistory grephistory - display file names from Usenet history file
greynetic greynetic - draw random stippled/color rectangles
grodvi grodvi - convert groff output to TeX dvi format
groff groff - front end for the groff document formatting system
grog grog - guess options for groff command
grolj4 grolj4 - groff driver for HP Laserjet 4 family
grops grops - PostScript driver for groff
grotty grotty - groff driver for typewriter-like devices
groups groups - print the groups a user is in
gs gs - Aladdin Ghostscript version 3.0 interpreter/previewer
gsftopk gsftopk - render a ghostscript font in TeX pk format
gsoelim soelim - interpret .so requests in groff input
gtbl tbl - format tables for troff
gtroff troff - format documents
guavac guavac - a free Java compiler
gunzip gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files
gvim vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
gxditview gxditview - display gtroff output files
gzexe gzexe - compress executable files in place
gzip gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files
halo halo - draw circular patterns
head head - output the first part of files
helix helix - draw helical string-art patterns
hexbin hexbin - Macintosh file de-binhexer
hexdump hexdump - ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
hipstopgm hipstopgm - convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
hopalong hopalong - draw real plane fractals
host host - look up host names using domain server
hostid hostid - set or print system's host id.
hostname hostname - show or set the system's host name
domainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dnsdomainname - show the system's DNS domain name
nisdomainname - show or set system's NIS/YP domain name
ypdomainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
hpcdtoppm hpcdtoppm v0.3 - convert a Photo-CD file into a portable
hpftodit hpftodit - create font description files for use with
groff -Tlj4
html2ps html2ps - convert HTML to PostScript
hylafax HylaFAX - introduction to HylaFAX client applications and
hypercube hypercube - 2d projection of a 4d object
ibm_hosts ibm_hosts - host database for x3270
ical ical - An X based Calendar Program
iceauth iceauth - ICE authority file utility
ico ico - animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron
icontopbm icontopbm - convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
id id - print real and effective UIDs and GIDs
ident ident - identify RCS keyword strings in files
identify identify - describe the format and characteristics of one
or more image files.
ifs ifs - draws spinning, colliding iterated-function-system
igawk igawk - gawk with include files
ilbmtoppm ilbmtoppm - convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
ImageMagick ImageMagick - ImageMagick is an X11 package for display
and interactive manipulation of images.
imake imake - C preprocessor interface to the make utility
imgtoppm imgtoppm - convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable
import import - capture some or all of an X server screen and
save the image to a file.
imsmap imsmap - generate fractal maps
inc inc - incorporate new mail
indent indent - changes the appearance of a C program by insert-
ing or deleting whitespace.
indxbib indxbib - make inverted index for bibliographic databases
inews inews - send a Usenet article to the local news server for
infocmp infocmp - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
initdb initdb - create a new Postgres database system
initex initex - initial TeX for making format (.fmt) files
initlocation initlocation - create a new Postgres storage area
innconfval innconfval - get an InterNetNews configuration parameter
insmod insmod - install loadable kernel module
install install - copy files and set their attributes
installit installit - file/directory installation tool
intro intro - Introduction to user commands
ipcalc ipcalc - perform simple manipulation of IP addresses
ipcclean ipcclean - clean up shared memory and semaphores from
aborted backends
ispell ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icom-
bine, ijoin - Interactive spelling checking
jed Jed - programmers editor
join join - join lines of two files on a common field
jpegtran jpegtran - lossless transformation of JPEG files
julia julia - draws spinning, animating julia-set fractals
kaffe kaffe - a virtual machine to execute Java(tm) bytecode
kaleidescope Kaleidescope - rotating line segments
kbd_mode kbd_mode - report or set the keyboard mode
kibitz kibitz - allow two people to interact with one shell
kill kill - terminate a process
killall killall - kill processes by name
ksh ksh - Public domain Korn shell
ksyms ksyms - display exported kernel symbols.
kterm kterm - multi-lingual terminal emulator for X
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