User Commands(1) u-z Index Page

User Commands r-t Section Home Page System Calls Section
ul ul - do underlining
umb-scheme scheme - UMB Scheme ($Revision: 3.2 $)
uname uname - print system information
unbuffer unbuffer - unbuffer output
uncompface compface, uncompface - compress and expand 48x48x1 face
image files
uncompress compress, uncompress, zcat - compress and expand data
(version 4.1)
unexpand unexpand - convert spaces to tabs
uniq uniq - remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
units units - conversion program
unshar unshar - unpack a shar file
unsq sq - squeeze a sorted word list unsq - unsqueeze a sorted
word list
unstr strfile - create a random access file for storing strings
unstr - dump strings in pointer order
unzip unzip - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP
unzipsfx unzipsfx - self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP
updatedb updatedb - update a file name database
uptime uptime - Tell how long the system has been running.
userinfo userinfo - A graphical equivilient to chfn.
usermount usermount - A graphical tool to mount, unmount and format
usernet usernet - graphical utility for manipulating network
usernetctl usernetctl - allow a user to manipulate a network inter-
face if permitted
userpasswd userpasswd - A graphical tool to allow users to change
their passwords.
users users - print the user names of users currently logged in
to the current host
usleep usleep - sleep some number of microseconds
uucp uucp - Unix to Unix copy
uudecode uuencode - encode a binary file
uuencode uuencode - encode a binary file
uugetty getty - sets terminal mode, speed, and line discipline
uustat uustat - UUCP status inquiry and control
uux uux - Remote command execution over UUCP
vftovp vftovp - convert virtual font (vf) files to virtual prop-
erty lists
vi vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
viewres viewres - graphical class browser for Xt
vim vim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vines vines - draws pseudo-fractal geometric patterns
virtex virtex - virgin TeX for production typesetting
vlock vlock - Virtual Console lock program
vmh vmh - visual front-end to nmh
voctopvf pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
vptovf vptovf - convert virtual property lists to virtual font
w w - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
wall wall -- send a message to everybody's terminal.
watch watch - watch a program with update intervals
wavtopvf pvf tools - utilities to convert various sound formats
wc wc - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
we xwpe, xwe, wpe, we - XWindow Programming Environment
weave weave - translate WEB to TeX
wget wget - a utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web
Wharf Wharf - the AfterStep application "dock" module
whatis whatis - search the whatis database for complete words.
whatnow whatnow - prompting front-end for send
whereis whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files
for a command
which which - show full path of commands
who who - show who is logged on
whoami whoami - print effective userid
whom whom - report to whom a message would go
WinList WinList - the AfterStep window list module
wish wish - Simple windowing shell
wmconfig wmconfig - Window Manager Config helper program
wnewmail newmail,wnewmail - programs to asynchronously notify of
new mail
wpe xwpe, xwe, wpe, we - XWindow Programming Environment
write write - send a message to another user
wrjpgcom wrjpgcom - insert text comments into a JPEG file
x11perf x11perf - X11 server performance test program
x11perfcomp x11perfcomp - X11 server performance comparison program
x3270 x3270 - IBM host access tool
x3270-script Scripting Facilities for x3270
xanim xanim - multiformat animation/video/audio viewer for X
xapm xapm - display Advanced Power Management (APM) BIOS infor-
xargs xargs - build and execute command lines from standard
xauth xauth - X authority file utility
xbiff xbiff - mailbox flag for X
xbl xbl - X Window block dropping game in 3 Dimension
xbmtopbm xbmtopbm - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable
xboing xboing - An X Window System based blockout clone. V2.4
xcalc xcalc - scientific calculator for X
xclipboard xclipboard - X clipboard client
xclock xclock - analog / digital clock for X
xcmap xcmap - displays the default colormap on X11 displays
xcmsdb xcmsdb - Device Color Characterization utility for X Color
Management System
Xconfigurator Xconfigurator - configure XFree86 server and display
xconsole xconsole - monitor system console messages with X
xcpustate xcpustate - display CPU states (idle, nice, system, ker-
nel) statistics
xcubes xcubes - Cubes X widget
xcutsel xcutsel - interchange between cut buffer and selection
xdaliclock xdaliclock - melting digital clock
xdemineur xdemineur - X11 minesweeper game
xdino xdino - Dino X widgets
xditview xditview - display ditroff output
xdm xdm - X Display Manager with support for XDMCP, host
xdos dos, xdos, dosexec, dosdebug - run MS-DOS and MS-DOS pro-
grams under Linux
xdpyinfo xdpyinfo - display information utility for X
xdvi xdvi - DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xearth xearth - displays a shaded image of the Earth in the root
xedit xedit - simple text editor for X
xev xev - print contents of X events
xeyes xeyes - a follow the mouse X demo
xf86config xf86config - generate an XF86Config file
XF86_SVGA XF86_SVGA - SVGA X Window System servers for UNIX on x86
xfd xfd - display all the characters in an X font
xfig xfig - Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
under X11
xfindproxy xfindproxy - locate proxy services
xfm xfm - X file and applications manager
xfmtype xfmtype - xfm file type tester
xfontsel xfontsel - point and click selection of X11 font names
XFree86 XFree86 - X11R6 for UNIX on x86 platforms
xfs xfs - X font server
xfwp xfwp - X firewall proxy
xgc xgc - X graphics demo
xgetfile xgetfile - X based audio cd player for cdrom drives
xgopher xgopher - gopher client for the X window system
xhexagons xhexagons - Hexagons X widget
xhost xhost - server access control program for X
xieperf xieperf - XIE server extension test and demo program
ximtoppm ximtoppm - convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
xinit xinit - X Window System initializer
xiterm xiterm -- VT102 emulator for the X window system
xjack xjack - all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
xjewel xjewel - X windows droping jewels game
xkbcomp xkbcomp - compile XKB keyboard description
xkbevd xkbevd - XKB event daemon
xkbprint xkbprint - print an XKB keyboard description
xkibitz xkibitz - allow multiple people to interact in an xterm
xkill xkill - kill a client by its X resource
xlander xlander - A lunar landing simulation with a twist
xload xload - system load average display for X
xloadimage xloadimage, xsetbg, xview - load images into an X11 window
or onto the root window
xlock xlock - Locks the local X display until a password is
xlogo xlogo - X Window System logo
xlsatoms xlsatoms - list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients xlsclients - list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts xlsfonts - server font list displayer for X
xlyap xlyap - display an array of Lyapunov exponents graphically
xmag xmag - magnify parts of the screen
xmailbox xmailbox - mailbox checker for X using XPM icons
xman xman - Manual page display program for the X Window System
xmball xmball - Masterball X widget
xmessage xmessage - display a message or query in a window (X-based
xmh xmh - send and read mail with an X interface to MH
xmixer xmixer - X based volume and mixer control program
xmkmf xmkmf - create a Makefile from an Imakefile
xmlink xmlink - Missing Link X widget
xmodmap xmodmap - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button
mappings in X
xmorph xmorph - digital image warping (morphing) for X window
Xnest Xnest - a nested X server
xoct xoct - Octahedron X widget
xon xon - start an X program on a remote machine
xosview xosview - X based system monitor
xp-replay xp-replay - Playback an XPilot session.
xpaint xpaint - Simple Paint program
xpanex xpanex - Panex X widget
xpdf xpdf - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X
(version 0.7a)
xpilot xpilot - XPilot/UX Multiplayer gravity war game client
xpilots xpilots - XPilot/UX Multiplayer gravity war game server
xplaycd xplaycd - X based audio cd player for cdrom drives
xpmroot xpmroot - Sets the root window of the current X display to
an Xpm pixmap
xpmtoppm xpmtoppm - convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xprop xprop - property displayer for X
xpyraminx xpyraminx - Pyramid X widget
xrdb xrdb - X server resource database utility
xrefresh xrefresh - refresh all or part of an X screen
xroger xroger - throbbing X logo, of a sort
xrubik xrubik - Magic cube X widgets
xrx xrx - RX helper program
xscreensaver xscreensaver - graphics hack and screen locker, launched
when the user is idle
xscreensaver-command xscreensaver-command - control a running xscreensaver pro-
Xserver Xserver - X Window System display server
xset xset - user preference utility for X
xsetmode xsetmode - set the mode for an X Input device
xsetpointer xsetpointer - set an X Input device as the main pointer
xsetroot xsetroot - root window parameter setting utility for X
xskewb xskewb - Skewb X widgets
xsm xsm - X Session Manager
xsnow xsnow - create a snowy and Santa-y desktop
xstdcmap xstdcmap - X standard colormap utility
xterm xterm - terminal emulator for X
xtermdos dos, xdos, dosexec, dosdebug - run MS-DOS and MS-DOS pro-
grams under Linux
xtoolwait xtoolwait - start X client and wait for it to map a window
xtp xtp - file transfer program
xtriangles xtriangles - Triangles X widget
xv xv - interactive image display for the X Window System
Xvfb Xvfb - virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11
xvidtune xvidtune - video mode tuner for XFree86
xvminitoppm xvminitoppm - convert a XV "thumbnail" picture to PPM
xvpictoppm xvpictoppm - converts XV 'thumbnail' files to standard PPM
xwd xwd - dump an image of an X window
xwdtopnm xwdtopnm - convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a
portable anymap
xwe xwpe, xwe, wpe, we - XWindow Programming Environment
xwininfo xwininfo - window information utility for X
xwpe xwpe, xwe, wpe, we - XWindow Programming Environment
xwpick xwpick - pick images from an X11-screen and store in files
xwud xwud - image displayer for X
xxd xxd - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
xxgdb xxgdb - X window system interface to the gdb debugger.
yacc Yacc - an LALR(1) parser generator
ybmtopbm ybmtopbm - convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a
portable bitmap
yes yes - output a string repeatedly until killed
ypcat ypcat - print the values of all keys in a YP database
ypchfn yppasswd, ypchfn, ypchsh - NIS password update clients
ypchsh yppasswd, ypchfn, ypchsh - NIS password update clients
ypdomainname hostname - show or set the system's host name
domainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
dnsdomainname - show the system's DNS domain name
nisdomainname - show or set system's NIS/YP domain name
ypdomainname - show or set the system's NIS/YP domain name
ypmatch ypmatch - print the values of one or more keys in a YP database
yppasswd yppasswd, ypchfn, ypchsh - NIS password update clients
ypwhich ypwhich - return hostname of YP server of map master
ytalk ytalk - A multi-user chat program.
yuvsplittoppm yuvplittoppm - convert a Y- an U- and a V-file into a
portable pixmap.
yuvtoppm yuvtoppm - convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
zcat gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files
zcmp zcmp, zdiff - compare compressed files
zdiff zcmp, zdiff - compare compressed files
zeisstopnm zeisstopnm - convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable
zforce zforce - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep zgrep - search possibly compressed files for a regular
zgv zgv - view GIF/JPEG/PPM/BMP/TGA/PCX/PNG/mrf files on
VGA/SVGA displays
Zharf Zharf - the AfterStep button panel module
zip zip, zipcloak, zipnote, zipsplit - package and compress
(archive) files
zipgrep zipgrep - search possibly zip files for a regular expres-
zipinfo zipinfo - list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zmore zmore - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed
znew znew - recompress .Z files to .gz files
zplay zplay - modem utility to record and play voice files
zsh zsh - the Z shell
zshall zshall - the Z shell meta-man page
zshbuiltins zshbuiltins - zsh built-in functions
zshcompctl zshcompctl - zsh programmable completion
zshexpn zshexpn - zsh command and parameter expansion
zshmisc zshmisc - Everything and then some
zshoptions zshoptions - zsh options
zshparam zshparam - zsh parameters
zshzle zshzle - zsh command line editor
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